It was another super busy, full week here in Parque San Martin.
Monday- We had a great P-day and some great lessons at night.
Tuesday-We traveled in the morning to get to our district meeting which was good. Then we traveled back to our area. We did some service for an awesome member family which was really fun in the afternoon. Then we finished the day with a few lessons. We met at night this inactive member with the coolest house ever! He was excited and prideful to show it to us haha. but I will admit he had a pretty cool soundsystem....
Wednesday- We had lunch with Silvia (my recent convert) and Jony (her 18 year old son we are teaching that is going to be baptized this saturday). It was awesome!!! We ordered empanadas and watched ¨Joseph Smith, The Prophet of the Restoration¨ and they both loved it!! JOny is doing so well and is so excited to be baptized this saturday. He is so prepared and has changed so much. We are so happy for him.
Thursday- Was a regular day full of several visits. We had some time in the morning and made some brownies to take to some of our appointments. Let me just say aregentines are crazy for american brownies....
Friday- We had another great day. We did a quick service project in the morning and had a really busy day in the afternoon. It was great.
Saturday- We got some of the baptism interviews done with our investigators that are planning to get baptized this Saturday. Everything went super well!
Sunday- It was a miracle and it didnt rain in the morning like it was suppose to so everyone could come to church! Oh and in the afternoon we taught found like three awesome investigator families to start working with.
So it was a great week and this week is going to be even more crazy. This Saturday we should have a baptismal service we have been planning of 3 maybe even 4 people. I will end pictures for sure next week and explain each person and their story:)
Happy Labor Day!! Go outside and barbeque!
Elder Townsend
No big email on August 29, 2016
It was a good week:
On Monday we played soccer with a few of the kids in the ward. It was super fun. I thought my soccer skills would get really good while I have been here but I am sad to say I dont think I have made much progress.
On Tuesday we had a normal day. Full of great lessons and we got a lot of work done.
Wednesday was... interesting.... We had a great morning and afternoon that were really productive. But then at night it got a little crazy.... I dont know where to begin the story and how much I want to tell but I will do my best to explain the basics. A few sundays ago a member in our ward told us about and inactive family we didnt know. She told us that one of the kids that is 19 has a girlfriend and they have desires to start coming to church and change their lives. So in the night we passed by their house to meet the family and expecially to talk to the son and the girlfriend... Lets just say that was the most interesting visit I had ever had in my mission. I dont really feel comfortable explaining everything that happened on here but its a very great story so I guess you will just have to ask me when I get home to tell it. But I will say in that lesson I got the most mad I have probably been in several years... so thats not awesome... but its the bad experiences as missionaries that build character and help us grow. So i am grateful I had that experience to learn.
On Thursday we got to go to the Buenos Aires Temple! It was so awesome. We went in the morning and came back at about 5:00. It was such a pretty day too everything wa perfect. Super great experience.
On Friday we had a normal day. Several lessons and a lot of walking which is good.
On Saturday we had a good day and at night we went to the church for a young single adult activity in the church with our invesitgator Jony! It was super fun, they made tacos!!!!
Sunday was a normal day
Oh and an update on our investigators. Jony, Lucas and Tamara are all doing great. They are all progressing so well and the baptisms will be the 10th of September.
I hope everyone has a great week
Elder Townsend
August 15, 2016
Another super crazy and busy week on the mission! I dont know where to start so I will just take it day by day:
On monday we enjoyed our p-day.... doing..... everything we can do here.... playing soccer and cleaning our apartment....
On Tuesday we had several great lessons. At night we made a visit with Silvia and Jonathan! It went super well! Jonathan is doing super great and is super sure about being baptized! He is also starting to get involved with all the young adult activities in our ward and is really loving the social part of the church too haha.
On Wednesday we had a great day as well. We had a lesson with the granddaughter of a member in our ward. Her name is Tamara and she would love to get baptized so we explained to her that we could help her with that! She will be getting baptized soon in the next few weeks as well.
On Thursday we had another regular day. Nothing too exciting happened but we got a lot of work done.
On Friday we found a super great family! They have a ton of interest. They are friends with Luis, a guy we baptized in June. The only problem is we are not quite sure if they live in our area... so we will see what happens with that.... Oh and in the night we went to go see lucas! The brother of Thomas, the kid we baptized two weeks ago. We have been starting to teach him and he sa well will be baptized in the next few weeks.
Then on Saturday we had a dinner with Silvia and Jonathan! They made us burritos and we just about died! So good! Great way to end the day!
Sunday was a pretty great day. Some stuff happened with some miscommunication in the ward and there was a bit of drama but no one killed anyone, so thats good....
And today I am currently in a computer place being forced to listen to a bunch of music from the states I have never heard before.... Maybe the rap industry has taken a turn for the worst since I have been gone or maybe I have just lost my taste for rap being a missionary... And after we are done here we will enjoy our lovely pday playing soccer, cleaning, and making a cake for an appointment we have with a family tonight.... turn up...
Well I hope everyone has a great week!
Elder Townsend
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